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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Salou is home one more Christmas of the National Youth Orchestra of Catalonia

Salou is home one more Christmas of the National Youth Orchestra of Catalonia

Salou. Costa Dorada. The National Youth Orchestra of Catalonia (JONC) performs for the seventh consecutive year the Christmas meeting in the town of Salou. On this occasion it does under the baton of the famous Swiss director Anton Karl Rickenbach. And among others will perform works by Mahler and Wagner. A team of professors from various Spanish and European orchestras, but in this particular meeting musicians of the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, will help young musicians to prepare the repertoire for the days before the concert. The members of the are between 14 and 24 years old and come from different points of the Catalan countryside. These young musicians gather in the school vacation periods to work with the symphonic repertoire that is put into practice in various concerts at the end of each meeting. The JONC held the Meeting from 27 to 31 December 2010, from 2 to 5 and January 6 to January 9, 2011. Will 100 musicians, directed by renowned director Anton Karl Rickenbach. Meanwhile, fry the JONC the Meeting held from 27 to 31 December 2010 and from 2 to 4 January 2011. 60 musicians will be led by Manel Valdivieso, artistic director of the renowned director rushes and Catalan. Regarding the repertoire of JONC's next (6 January: Auditorium Theatre of Salou, 20:00; entries, five euros): G. Mahler, Totenfeier (2nd Symphony, 1st mov), C. M. Von Webber, Der Freischütz. Opening, R. Wagner's Lohengrin. Opening, R. Wagner Götterdämmerung: Siegfried, funeral music, R. Wagner, The Valkyrie, parade, R. Wagner singers and teachers. Opening. The JONC act in Salou on January 3 at the Theatre Auditorium of Salou, with free admission 21:00. The program is as follows: R. Wagner, Siegfried: Idili WWV 103; F. Mendelssohn, A Midsummer Night's Dream: overture, op. 21 and Schubert Lieder (selection). Remember that the JONC: National Youth Orchestra of Catalonia born in September 1993 under the name Youth Symphony Orchestra of Catalonia (Josè). It was not until 1999 that became known as such, rushes. The Orchestra was conducted by Josep Pons from its founding until 2001, when Manuel Valdivieso we take over as artistic director. Since its inception, the main objectives have been JONC provide comprehensive training for young orchestral musicians of our country to actively collaborate in the integration of young musicians at work and contribute to the formation of new public ial'enriquiment . All this work is carried out through working meetings, classes, lectures, concerts, radio and television, publishing educational materials designed for different audiences and other productions. The National Youth Orchestra Foundation of Catalonia includes three different orchestras: the JONC fry is formed by young musicians under 18. Its goal is the introduction to the work of high quality orchestra. The JONC covers up to 25 years and aims to complete main orchestra. The JONC Filharmonia targets culminating educational goals and artistic productions JONC using professional criteria. The purpose is to provide a post-academic training for young musicians and provide them access to professional life. The JONC has participated in festivals and concert halls in the country, under the direction of renowned masters by Josep Pons, Guy van Waas, Ernest Martinez-Izquierdo, J. Mora, Manuel Valdivieso, Barry Sargent, Jan Caeyers Robert King Paul Goodwin, Andrew Parrott, Antoni Ros-Marbà, Lutz Köhler, Salvador Mas, Edmon Colomer and Anton Karl Rickenbach.

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